In a rapid production cycle we like to hit the floor running, this means visualising game and setting ideas as early as possible. Offcourse the old sayings are all true, visuals will explain more than words, especially in a visual medium. But besides getting people involved it also can halp to do rapid sketches as part of the brainstorming phase, extending it past early discussions and keeping the progress fresh in the minds of the team.
Here's a few samples of concept art for Subsurface, you can already see the different art styles influencing gameplay ideas.
The first is a retro look made by our Art lead, co-founder, and concept artist extraordinaire Yannis bolman.

Here's another made by myself as a fast sketch, with a very different approach.

Already you can see the different approaches. In future posts we hope you'll get a good idea how the concept art lead to the final design.
Just some inspiration snippets
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